Book available for pre-order!


Great news! The book is now available for pre-order! To get the book sooner than you would if you were waiting for to print and post it to you, we’ll be taking orders to get the books in bulk, and then posting them ourselves to you (unless you know us in “real life”).

Visit this page to pre-order the book: (apologies for having to link to my own blog – couldn’t get the PayPal button to post on – the button is on the top of the sidebar on the right-hand side of the page.

Make sure to include your postal address! We’ll email you to confirm your order.

Note: The price of the book is €7.50, with a €1.50 charge for shipping. When sales are processed through, shipping costs will increase for buyers.

11 Responses to “Book available for pre-order!”

  1. 1 Amy CT

    Paul… just to be, you know, super awkward… will it be easier for me to pre-order and have it posted to the UK, or to buy from Lulu next week?

    Thanks xxx A

    • Pre-order. Shipping to the UK will be super quick once I’ve ordered the books. Plus, you won’t have to wait as long XD

  2. 3 ismiselisa

    I wanna pre-order but I don’t know how to use paypal? Could I send you a cheque thingy from the bank and buy one off you?

    • I’ll put you down for a copy in pre-order and send you my address for the cheque. Make sure I get your address from you too! (other alternative is to actually meet up and exchange book for cash, but that’s up to you)

  3. Yeah i’d rather to send you a cheque or postal order or whatever if I could, can’t use paypal. What’s the story so with me paying for the book like that?

    • I’ll email you my address to send the cheque/postal order to. Preferrably the latter to avoid having to go to the bank. =P

  4. Paul,

    What about those of us in the United States? Will the currency be converted to dollars so we can pre-order? Also, I would like to promote this on my blog. Should I wait until the actual release date?

    • Hi Brian,

      Postage is the same for US. PayPal will let you convert dollars to euro when you go to pay. Very simple process.

      As for promotion – it’s really up to you. You can let people know early so they can pre-order, or you can just let them know on the release date.


  5. 9 alisonwells

    Well done Paul on getting things this far. It is a wonderful project and great to be involved in making a difference to people. I will definitely blog post on it and promote it any way I can.

  6. 11 Sophie Goldsbury

    woo!! go team!! 😀 thanks for all your help xx

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